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Content sharing social network for virtual worlds and online games.
Legacy ASN (Avatar Social Network) group link
Or copy and paste this next link into nearby chat when logged into the viewer, to click a link to bring up the Avatar Social Network group profile and join -->
Damcylinnae is a relatively small, Earth-like planet. From space, one can see the many isles, of different environments, but the most prominent appears to be a large, desert-like island... Zooming in closer, we get... Society? Upon closer inspection, although the grounds are sandy, life is abundant, in plants, animals, even people!
And everything has this sort of... Glow to it... The sand itself glows in your palm as you pick it up, and sift it through your fingers... As you get past the rural areas, and to the highway, it becomes clear, this isn't a primitive society... Yet as you peer upwards, a dragon soars the sky...
Welcome to Damcylinnae!
Damcylinnae has a long history, and while it does serve as home to everything from humans to demons, it's natives are people of the sun. Fire angels, some call them. For each color of fire, is a representative. For each flame, there is a meaning.
These flames and meanings are believed to have formed the fire-angels, as well as their shining home. Crystals are a common find, and most hold some essence of a flame. One crystal hidden deep within the old castle that stands, reconstructed after tragedy, holds power, even the royal family does not fully understand.
The year was 1978 when the capital city, Dancylinnia was attacked... Creatures, monsters even demons couldn't understand, wanted this crystal, and the balance of life itself in their own hands... The homes of many destroyed, lives ruined, lives lost, and the royal family killed off... Except for the young prince...
Unsuccessful, and having ravaged the land, the monsters fled when celestials, elves, humans, dragons, drow, even vampires, wolves, and demons banded together, all in defense of their home. They haven't returned since... Could that change?
A band like that would seem to be an abomination to some, but for the Damcylinnite people, it was not only for their homes, but for the balance of good and evil... If one side wins, it won't be good for either side... And both sides seem to know it.
Fast forward. The year is 1983. The prince is coming close to being of age. People from other lands are arriving through unknown means... Though the land and its people are mostly welcoming, it seems to occasionally cause a disturbance... Not all these people know the flames, or the balance... The prince is wary, but his kind heart that rebuilt the homes of his people, and rescued those in distress under his rule, gives these newcomers a chance.
Some agree, others do not. Where do you stand?
Has Damcylinnae always been your home? Are you new? What's your thought on the 'newcomers'?
Damcylinnae, the land of all things 1980's is back! Not just roleplay, but fully functioning games, and maybe soon, stores!
Damcylinnae Residents group link ...Or copy and paste this next link into nearby chat when logged into the viewer, to click a link to bring up the Damcylinnae Residents group profile and join --> secondlife:///app/group/0641aaa3-a409-5ab5-0a7e-bbbf48c016e2/about
Enter the Kingdom of Damcylinnae on Discord! - https://discord.gg/zjbSKtT
There is also a Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/SLifeDamcylinnae/
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