
Frequently Asked Questions...
How do I get to Zamargad?
Zamargad is a region in the virtual reality platform made by Linden Lab, called Second Life.
First, you must make sure you are registered at the Second Life website, which you can sign up at for free.
Then you must install the free viewer to enter Second Life (we recommend Firestorm).
Once you log in and have the viewer running, there will be an address bar at the top of your screen. This is where you can type "Zamargad" and hit enter. You will then be teleported to Zamargad.
Or you can also just click this link when you are logged into the viewer as well, and select "Visit this location." A teleport menu will come up in your viewer, and you can select "Teleport" to be teleported to Zamargad.
Who is welcome at Zamargad?
Anyone who is genuine and not a bot or a cheater is welcome. It is preferred that your avatar is fantasy themed (especially at ground level), but no one will be turned away for having not dressed that way (just at least have some clothing on that's covering up those naughty bits that aren't necessarily allowed on a Moderate sim, please).
There are some rules which can be viewed in Zamargad's covenant, by once having entered our land and then going to the "World" menu at the top of your viewer, then selecting "Region Details." Once that menu comes up, when you click the "Covenant" tab, you will be able to see all the details.
The main rules are:
-No flying above 1,000 meters
-No building without permission (excessive litter may lead to a ban)
-No spamming or biting
-Play fair (be kind to each other)
All visitors are to follow the Linden Lab Terms of Service and the Linden Lab Community Standards.
What can I do, once I am at Zamargad?
Zamargad has much to offer. There is a lot to explore, learn from, and interact with (which is why we are listed under "Experiences" in Second Life's Destination Guide).
Meetings can be held, or just hanging out and talking can also be done here.
EVO Fishing and Wanding can also be done here.
Weekly dance events may be held in the Grotto Orb, which, aside from being hosted by fabulous DJs and offering opportunities to meet others, may also feature a quiz (where you can earn L$).
Please check out our classes section to ensure you don't miss any special events!
Aside from ground level, we have 3 skyboxes for business. There is our Advertising skybox, where a lot of games can be played and your business can be advertised. Our ^v^/<|;) (Bats Out Of Hats) store has many wares to compliment your avatar or home. As well as a Linden Gold Hunt Fish Hunt skybox (used for breeding and growing).
There are also a couple other platforms in the sky, exploration is highly encouraged!
Games and contests happen here as well. Please check our "Events" section to get a better understanding of what else we have to offer.
Can I live at Zamargad?
Please feel free to make our home your home, but you must abide by the no building without permission rule. Currently, we do not offer any rentals, and have no plans to ever do so. However, you may check the "Affiliates" section, and they may offer you a place you can rent from.
Can I hold events at Zamargad?
Yes, you may! We would be happy to work with you on such things. We would like to advertise your event in our group, as well as the Second Life Community Events page. Please contact us to coordinate something and to make sure it coincides with our other events! Please note that Zamargad is a homestead sim, so it has a maximum capacity of 20 avatars at any given time.
Who owns Zamargad?
Lilith and Samael own Zamargad. Please see our "Contact" section for more information. Our teenage son, Edward (Glowball) Von Muilliae (from Damcylinnae), who is roleplayed by Meepers (fffangirl), does also live here and has a say in what happens as well.
How will I know what events are taking place on Zamargad?
Please visit our "Events" section for more information. It will be updated frequently.
You may also join our free group ^v^/<|;) (Bats Out Of Hats) to stay up to date on what is happening.
I had a problem at Zamargad, what can I do?
Please contact ℳαʝɨҟᐺɨӽڠɳ (BlueVioletVixen.Lorefield) or ਹөƞ ƇƸяתߎɳŋøϟ (joncernunnos) regarding your issue. We will be more than happy to assist you with whatever help you may need.
For things that are out of our control, you may also file a Support Ticket or an Abuse Report by going to "Help" in your viewer's menu, then selecting either "Report Abuse" or "Report Bug" and filling out and submitting the form that pops up.
Is Zamargad a role-play sim?
No. You do not have to role-play to be here. We are pretty laid back. If you wish to role-play, that will not be discouraged. However, please be aware that not everyone wishes to role-play, and it's seriously frowned upon to force others into role-play who do not wish to do so.