
The Legend...
לילית (Lilith) was the first wife of Adam (as in the Adam and Eve story in the Genesis chapter of the Bible, Old Testament). She was the supposed queen of demons for defying her husband and wanting to be equal. She is represented by the moon (as she is a night creature). According to natural beliefs like Wicca, the Goddess is also represented by the moon, whereas the God is represented by the sun. Google has some great information about "the story of Lilith" in vast detail.
In my opinion, Lilith was made into a demon by societal prejudicial discrimination, fear, and rumors just like the following references: Salem Witch Trials, Mary Magdalene not actually being a prostitute, and probably more. Most likely to keep women in their place, "Lo, you will not be equal to a man, otherwise, you be a demon, a slut, a wretch, etc.!" as such historical religious works were written during those different times. May the trademark, representational, sexy succubus form of Lilith, not be a burden, but embraced and supported by all who seek the freedom of equality without prejudice!
That being said, here's some other interesting and pertaining facts...
Lilith can also be represented by the dark moon, and asteroid 1181. This is an astrological reference, explained by the dark/new moon cycle... wherein the moon is still there, but you cannot see it. Google has some great information when you reference "Lilith dark moon 1181" too.
Queen Mab was the first fae and queen of the fae (who also comes to men in their sleep). Queen Mab is mentioned in Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet" in Mercutio's soliloquy in Act I, Scene IV.
Some of the names Lilith went by, and was forced to reveal to the Prophet Elijah (Moses Gaster in his "Studies and Texts in Folklore" lists some of these): Abeko, Abito, Amizo, Batna, Eilo, Ita, Izorpo, Kea, Kokos, Odam, Partasah, Patrota, Podo, Satrinah, Thiltho. Other sources provide: Abyzu, Ailo, Alu, Gallu, Gelou, Gilou, Lamassu, Zahriel, and Zephonith.
Zamargad is the name of the land to which Lilith betook herself in her flight from Paradise, near the Red Sea, where she set her abode and mated with demons who were well known to be living on those shores.
Samael (i.e. Satan) is Lilith's supposed partner (especially regarding the snake ring -used so they could have intercourse).
Here's some vocabulary:
succubus = female demon, comes to men in their sleep and seduces them
succubi = plural of succubus
incubus = male demon, comes to women in their sleep and seduces them
incubi = plural of incubus
lili = daughters of Lilith
lilin = singular, daughter of Lilith
lilim = plural, daughter of Lilith
lilu = masculine, sons of Lilith, also evening
cambions = According to the Malleus Maleficarum, or "Witches' Hammer," written by Heinrich Kramer (Insitoris) in 1486, a succubus collects semen from the men she seduces. The incubi or male demons then use the semen to impregnate human females, thus explaining how demons could apparently sire children despite the traditional belief that they were incapable of reproduction. Children so begotten – cambions – were supposed to be those that were born deformed, or more susceptible to supernatural influences. The book does not address why a human female impregnated with the semen of a human male would not produce a regular human offspring.
lil = air
lilit = female night being/demon, disease-bearing wind spirits
lilits = attack newborn children and their mothers and seduce men in their sleep, according to Medieval folklore
lilitu = female night being/demon, disease-bearing wind spirits (the word is of Assyrian origin)
lilatu = "a female demon" in Assyrian literature
liliot = the type of demons (succubi/incubi) who assemble into trees
Lillaku = reference of Lilith in Sumerian tablets of the story of Gilgamesh (in which she was supposed to have lived in a Willow Tree)
Li-lit = Assyrians inscribed Lilith's name as this, which refers to "the black," "an evil spirit"
lailah = a Hebrew word meaning "night," that perhaps thru mistaken etymology, is how Lilith got her name and association with being a night creature
Laylah = the angel of night and conception
Some other interesting musings...
According to all the paranormal reality shows I have seen, demons like mirrors. But ♀ (Venus) is also represented by a mirror (♂ Mars is represented by a sword). Perhaps another fallacy that women are "bad," need to be kept in their place, and men are ...superiorly heroic? Hmm... "...our greatest inventions, methods of killing, have reached perfection..." Maybe it's all just poetic speak for humanity being an illusion.