

"Fly To Our Wicked Sanctuary, Like A Bat Out Of..."
Greetings all, from The Witchly hat, adorning this gourd where ideas fly out of!
...What? You haven't heard of us?
^v^/<|;) (Bats Out Of Hats) is a store owned and run by Lilith and Samael
Buried throughout the foliage, you will find unique things for sale with just a slight touch of taboo. Our shop is a plethora of dark miscellanea, where you'll find that perfectly mysterious accessory to enlighten your home or wardrobe!
Check out our Tree Hub right next to the Tiny Anywhere Doors that teleport you to different levels... Our Tree Hub has some tasty tidbits of freebies, group gifts, group subscription, store info., and you can even make donations, if you wish.
The other levels include:
The Advertising Skybox
Check it out and put the word out about your stuff! Cheap billboards now available, and seen by frequenting gamers of Lindo, Treasure Quest, SuperFish, Magic Fishing, The Vault, "Cards Against Humanity," Linden Gold Hunt Trivia, and 2 new games: a Raffle and "Skippo!" Alienum has also been added! HUGE boards are L$50, large boards are L$25, and medium boards are L$15.
The All Things Fish Hunt Skybox
<º))))><.·´¯`·. May the fish be with you!.·´¯`·.><((((º>
Experience it for yourself, inworld: