
Lilith AKA MajikVixen can be contacted inworld as ℳαʝɨҟᐺɨӽڠɳ (bluevioletvixen.lorefield) via instant message or notecard (preferred).
Discord is "MajikVixen#7616"
Skype is "MajikVixen"
Kik is "MajikVixen"
Majik's ASNers webby: http://asners.com/MajikVixen
Majik's blog: https://majikvixen.blogspot.com/

Samael AKA JonCernunnos can be contacted inworld as ਹөƞ ƇƸяתߎɳŋøϟ (joncernunnos) via instant message or notecard.
Jon's e-mail is JonCernunnos@GMail.com

Have a question about Zamargad or ^v^/<|;) (Bats Out Of Hats), or want to just stay up to date with events and products?
Zamargad's main group is ^v^/<|;) (Bats Out Of Hats), which is free to join.
Copy and paste this next link into nearby chat when logged into the viewer, to click a link to bring up the ^v^/<|;) group profile and join --> secondlife:///app/group/0dceeb4c-62ab-9436-ca6a-5f46106681b4/about <--
Have no room for group space? No worries! Touch the Subscribr box at the following link, to get free notices in nearby chat! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Zamargad/84/36/1626
(the "Ardours of Zamargad" group is just used for family and land purposes at this time and is private)